Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
OMG....the watchtardedness of the CLAM. ( Cult Lies and Manipulation )
by DATA-DOG inas we all know, the clam reeks of propaganda and lunacy (sniff...sniff...mmmmm...smells like the gb's meeting room.
what did dubs glean from the clam that washed ashore this week?
according to the book of ezra, jeehoober is so fearful of competition, that he banishes wives and even small children.
Island Man
Why did they have to send away the wives and children? Why did they have to split up families? Couldn't they have instructed the men to stop the practice of taking any more foreign wives and and make Jewish proselytes out of the existing foreign wives and children? Why wasn't that option put on the table? Weren't Rahab, Ruth and others given the option of becoming Jewish proselytes? It makes no sense. -
whats so bad about believing people go to heaven?
by sowhatnow init occurred to me today, that so often, my mother will make the comment that .
"those false religions teach that everyone is going to heaven when they die, oh sure, .
all you have to do is be a good person, and off you go to heaven.
Island Man
JWs literally discourage people from having the heavenly hope. That puts them on very dangerous grounds with God (from a believer perspective). It's like they're pressuring people to refuse a scriptural hope. Also the murmuring and judging that goes on at the memorial when someone partakes for the first time . . . think about it. Imagine that God anoints someone and people who claim to be christian are scoffing at it and looking upon it with suspicion! This is a very serious issue from a christian standpoint!
Even worse, christian elders will interrogate the person to try to dissuade him from being anointed or question the legitimacy of his anointing as if to imply that God's choice of who he anoints is subject to the approval and scrutiny of men! The JWs view of the heavenly hope and their treatment of those professing to be anointed is very, very blasphemous, presumptuous and wicked from a christian standpoint. I think it is one of the most glaringly atrocious things about this religion professing to be christian, and which isn't given enough spotlight.
There's a scripture where Jesus says something like: "Woe to you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut up the kingdom of heaven before men. You do not go in nor do you permit others to go in.". That scripture perfectly describes JWs' behavior toward the heavenly hope and their treatment of those who newly profess to be anointed.
whats so bad about believing people go to heaven?
by sowhatnow init occurred to me today, that so often, my mother will make the comment that .
"those false religions teach that everyone is going to heaven when they die, oh sure, .
all you have to do is be a good person, and off you go to heaven.
Island Man
You know what's even worse? Many JWs out in the ministry are so zealous to dispel the supposedly false notion that everyone goes to heaven, that they often neglect to tell people that going to heaven is scriptural and some christians will go there. They tell householders that God made the earth for man and he will transform it into a paradise, etc, but they totally neglect to acknowledge that some will go to heaven. The end result is that many householders come away with the impression that JWs don't believe in anyone going to heaven. So when they later read their bible and see it talks about going to heaven they come away thinking that JWs are false teachers.
Thought control - sexual fantasizing is wrong - May 2016 Watchtower
by Listener in>>the bible reveals that jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (readgenesis 6:5, 6.
) from this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the scriptures and is out ofharmony with jehovah’s way of think-ing.the disciple james wrote: “the wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (jas.
3:17) beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations.
Island Man
What if you fantasize about marrying the woman before you fantasize about being with her - is it still wrong then? I mean, wouldn't you be fantasizing about having legitimate sex?
PerceptiveChristians do not need to ask whether itis acceptable to be entertained by a cer-tain book, movie, or game that featureswhat Jehovah hates
What about the bible? The bible has some very graphic violence in it. Think of the account of Ehud's slaying of the Midianite king. That's just one of many graphic accounts in the bible. Then there's lots of sex in the bible as well as some pornography in Ezekiel and the Song of Solomon. If a movie maker portrays the bible on screen with the same detail as it is written, that movie would have to be at least R rated.
It's just plain hypocritical to talk about movies and books featuring what Jehovah hates when the bible itself if filled with inappropriate material. I know, JWs would say the sex and violence in the bible is there for a purpose and isn't being glorified. But they don't accept the same line of reasoning if its a modern movie that has a brief sex or violent scene that's there for a purpose and isn't being glorified. Such hypocrites!
Speaking about violence being glorified, the bible actually does glorify violence. I can't remember exactly where, I think it might be chronicles. But there's a section in bible that boasts about the impressive violent exploits of some of David's men, mentioning how great they were at killing how many men. It mentions one stealing an Egyptian champion warriors own spear and killing him with it. So the bible does glorify violence!
OMG....the watchtardedness of the CLAM. ( Cult Lies and Manipulation )
by DATA-DOG inas we all know, the clam reeks of propaganda and lunacy (sniff...sniff...mmmmm...smells like the gb's meeting room.
what did dubs glean from the clam that washed ashore this week?
according to the book of ezra, jeehoober is so fearful of competition, that he banishes wives and even small children.
Island Man
The CLAM is infecting the minds of JWs with AIDS (Acquired Intellectual Deficiency Syndrome) -
Evolution Hole #1 - Origin of Life
by shadow indisclaimer: my graduate degree is in business, not science so i'm writing as a layman in this field.
yes, i know that someone is going to say that evolution does not encompass this topic and should be sectioned off under abiogenesis.
i'm not trying to argue semantics here but it seems like a case of avoiding an uncomfortable subject.
Island Man
Evolution Hole #1 - Origin of Life
by shadow indisclaimer: my graduate degree is in business, not science so i'm writing as a layman in this field.
yes, i know that someone is going to say that evolution does not encompass this topic and should be sectioned off under abiogenesis.
i'm not trying to argue semantics here but it seems like a case of avoiding an uncomfortable subject.
Island Man
The origin of life - abiogenesis - has nothing to do with the change in the gene pool over time, observed in populations of living species. Evolution has nothing to do with, and does not attempt in any way to address the question of the origin of life. You're conflating two different subjects together.
What you've done is as silly as someone trying to deny that it is possible to ride a bicycle and arguing that the biggest hole to the theory that it is possible to ride a bicycle is scientists inability to explain scientifically, the forces that keep a moving bicycle upright.
It's also like someone denying that a John Doe is human because they can't determine his origin - who his parents are. How foolish!
Presenting the lack of a definitive explanation for the origin of life as being a hole in the theory of evolution, only reveals a massive gaping hole in the OP's knowledge and/or intellectual honesty.And bringing in the subject of the evolution of the universe is tantamount to the fallacy of equivocation. The word evolution as used of the universe is completely different to biological evolution. Biological evolution has to do with reproduction and genetics. The evolution of the universe has nothing to do with reproduction and passing on traits. The only thing they have in common is the common spelling of the world evolution. So just because the origin of the universe might be relevant to the subject of the universe's evolution does not mean that the origin of life has to be relevant to the subject of the evolution of life.
My wife made a very wordly comment the other night
by Clambake inmy wife who is currently on maternity leave made a comment about luck she was to leave in canada because we get 52 weeks maternity at basically 40,000 per year.
she is not originally from canada coming from a country with basically no maternity leave.
i told her to make sure she doesn't say anything like that at kh.
Island Man
The bible tells christians to pray for the ruling secular authorities so that they(the christians) can continue to have a peaceable environment to practice their godly devotion. When was the last time you heard a JW brother praying for the secular authorities? You can ask her something like that. -
Richard Carrier debunks Christianity using Science and History.
by Island Man in
Island Man
Clambake: I came to this board to for tips .. get my wife to escape this evil cult.
cofty: Teach her about the evidence for evolution.
That's exactly how I escaped from this evil cult, Clambake! I learned about evolution from the viewpoint of the scientists and came to realize that Watchtower's arguments against evolution consisted of dishonesty, ignorance and fallacies.
Richard Carrier debunks Christianity using Science and History.
by Island Man in
Island Man
At least have the originally to offer some personal insight or opinion or give us the readers digest version. Please think before you post because you are boring me. Stuff like this is like being in an assembly.
I am merely posting an interesting lecture that I saw. I am not professing to offer it as my own material so your statement telling me that I should "at least have the originality to ..." is wholly unwarranted. If you find stimulating intellectual discussions involving history and science to be boring then no one is forcing you to view the video. You can go to another thread that interests you. When you're watching television and happen upon a channel that has a program that you consider to be boring, do you call up the channel and complain or do you switch to another channel? You know who would call up the channel and complain? If a program on evolution was playing, an insecure theist who doesn't want to be confronted with facts that disprove his belief system - that is who might go out of his way to call up and complain. Is that why you're complaining about my thread - because you are insecure in your beliefs and don't like threads that present information and logic that expose your beliefs as false?